School of the prophets

Rev 19:10, " for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Prophesy is hearing and doing what God says. Advanced prophetic training on the basics of prophetic ministry. This class will instruct on Prophetic Protocol, Integrity with the call, dreams, visions, and much more. Here you will learn the call for prophecy in the New Testament church. 


Reaching Our Community R.O.C With Us Literacy Program 
We envision a worldwide multicultural change through literacy by helping others to read and improving communities. Our mission is to develop reading skills in young children and adults.

F.A.M.E  2022

Agape Christian center church Fame summer enrichment program provides quality-based and innovative Educational and recreational  opportunities for children in our surrounding community. We are a team of highly qualified educators from the surrounding school districts volunteering to enrich the kids in our community.