Men of Valor who honor Jesus Christ in all areas of their lives and  are leaders within the home and community.


A unified sisterhood that will reproduce the Deborah Company with all women through diversity, and creative thinking by embracing and cultivating the individual beauty of others as designed by God.

Marriage Made Easy 

Mark 10:9, "Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."
With Jesus at the core, a marriage is impenetrable. Couples are equipped with every tool to thrive in marriage and ministry. Here at ACCC healthy relationships produce healthy families, healthy families foster a healthy church and a healthy church will change the world. 


Free indeed Single believers who know their purpose in God, totally committed to God and His Word, and  living a victorious life by overcoming the enemy.


Through servitude and commitment, we draw others to Christ by being living epistles of godly married women. 

Generation Alive 

Young disciples of Jesus Christ; to establish a foundation on the Word of God for building Christian character, morals, values and behavior by using creative and innovative methods to excite and inspire,  to capture and ignite our young people for Jesus.

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