"Putting God First And Causing Others to do the same "
It is our pleasure to introduce our leaders, Dr. Jeffrey and Pamela Odom and share the vision of this ministry. We believe in putting God first and causing others to do the same! In doing this, our vision is to build the Kingdom of God. We accomplish this through outreach! We currently are building our Superstructure which will house, not only our sanctuary, but educational programs to service local communities. It is our mission to collaborate with the city of Petersburg and build strong families, while providing services to those in need.

How we Reach Our Community
So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another . ROmans 12:5
With a decline in reading , along with research that support poverty linked to literacy deficits, our literacy program is designed to service all ages. Tutoring is free and can be accessed by clicking on the image.
Acts 2 and Apostolic Touch's vision is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to produce a lasting effect on our Community by meeting both the spiritual & natural needs in the city of Petersburg & the Tri-City area.