Declaration for Long Life

May 30, 2021

Meditate on these Scriptures: Revelations 1:10-18, Romans 6:8-11, Psalm 90:10. Confession Scripture- Psalm 91:16 "With long life will He satisfy me and show me His salvation." (Personalized) In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ. I am a partaker to the nature of Christ Jesus. His resurrection power is upon my life. He is
my Rock of Ages (The Lord my protector) I stand firm in Him, because I am established in righteousness. Tam a descendant of father Abraham. I boldly confess any sin of disobedience that | committed consciously or unconsciously. My Lord, have mercy on me and forgive me. I destroy every root of sin in my life and receive power to overcome sin. Therefore, sin shall not have dominion over
me. I am a child of mercy. I receive God's anointing for longevity for my life. The covenant of longevity is upon my life, after the order of Abraham. By the power of divine resurrection that is operating in my life, I command the spirit of fear of death tormenting my life to die now! I break and annul every covenant of untimely death placed upon my life. Every curse of untimely death operating in my family line,
break and loose your hold over my life. I flush out by the blood of Jesus, every curse of death before success issued against me, in the demonic world. Every agreement of untimely death I entered into with any of my dead relatives consciously or unconsciously is declared null and void, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. It is written” Death is swallowed up in victory. O grave, where is thy victory!"||
declare today that I am under the protective edge of the Almighty Father; the power of premature death over my life is swallowed up in victory! The power of terminal and deadly sickness are swallowed up in victory in my life. No sickness or diseases shall kill me. I shall not be a victim of strange bullets. I shall not be a victim of physical and spiritual accident. Accident of the highway, waterway and
airway, shall not claim my life. I command the fire of the Holy Ghost to begin to pursue every spirit of death that is pursing my life. I break every spiritual and physical coffin constructed for my sake. I boldly decree that whatever that killed any of my dead relatives untimely shall not kill me. I shall not bury my
children. I shall not bury my spouse untimely. I shall not bury my younger siblings. I
shall not die before my time.
The earth shall not swallow me untimely. If anybody must
die, it must be my enemies. No seed of Abraham can be used for sacrifice; my head is not for sacrifice and my children's heads are not for sacrifices. Any man/woman that wants to sacrifice me shall die for my sake. All my Herods and Goliaths shall die for my sake. I will not die in the journey of life. I will get to my promise land after the order of Joshua and Caleb.
The backbone of untimely death is broken in my life and family. The spirit of premature death is permanently defeated in my family, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I boldly confess that long life is my heritage. I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. I shall live above 100 years. I shall be satisfied with long life. My health shall continue to flourish at old age. I shall still be strong at old age. I
shall fulfill my days and years on earth. The angels of the Lord shall encamp over me twenty-four hours everyday. I cover myself and my entire household with the combination of the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Ghost. My eyes shall not be dim and my natural strength shall not be abated. I will see the fourth generation of my children. Thank you Lord for it is done. Declaration brings possession. I shall have what
I have declared, in Jesus mighty name. Amen and Amen!